Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Worst and Best Prize Giving

This year, I got a group of students who I've taught 2 times before. I've been their teacher in grades 4 and 6. This time I'm teaching them as their grade 9 teacher. This batch of students had some stunning abilities, in fact almost everything about Super talents. You name it, they have it! Even I enjoyed very much teaching this bunch of fun lovers. This year I also added more to their lives with extra super lessons too.

I taught them very well. Better than ever before. And they were expected to perform excellent in every aspect. Plus+, we wanted to do a very nice rocking performance for the prize Giving at the end of the year. Somehow, there was one small issue, in fact it was a big issue.

Usually, it is the class teacher who decides and controls what to be done in the prize giving. But, this time, I thought that I should ask my students and get their involvement in deciding it. We wanted to do a drama that includes a song to have a dance scene.

I asked few students to join with me to write up the play. There were about 5 writing the drama with me.We had loads of fun during those days. Fun to the extremes! Sometimes I had stomachaches at night as a cause of laughing for hours. Somehow, because of the exams for them, we had only 3 days to practice. Most of them questioned me out, how I am going to do it in three days. There were parents (& ...) who came asking me this over and over again. Everything worked out well. Because, we believed in ourselves very badly and had the faith that we can do anything.

And during those three days, we had even more fun. Joking , laughing, chatting, dancing, everything about fun. We were all together. Those few days will always be in my mind forever. Simply unexplainable. And of course we did our performance very well too.

So, you must be wondering why I called it 'Worst prize giving'?
In fact, here is that sad story. The day of ultimate fun came along. It was Sunday, 9th December 2007 @ 3 pm. It was really a good day till about 5.30pm. So great! But after wards everything started to go wrong, when the prizes were given away. A lot of them was expecting a prize because they answered the examination very well. But unfortunately, some of them missed out. And simply, some of them tried hard to hide their tears. It's not all about exams, I know. But, they do count as well sometimes. Believe me they do.

At the end of the the ceremony I thought that I Lost! All my effort was of no use. Actually, I thought that I let them down. But, I would like to mention some things happened after wards.
Some students came to me and thanked me. The only thing they said was,
"Thank you aiye for what you have done for us. We learned a lot and enjoyed your company very much. It's true that we couldn't get good marks for you. But, today we bow to you because we are lucky enough to be your students for this year." (This is just the compressed idea)

A tank of Tears came to my eyes on that moment (but, I hid them inside as always) and I really couldn't control my feelings when I heard those words. Honestly, it really touched my heart very badly and still makes me ...
I was crying for about 10 days after the prize giving. Luckily no one saw it.
Even now, tears are coming to my eyes when I'm typing these words.

That day I realized how lucky I am. That is why I always thank God for making me a 'Teacher'. It's the best gift I have in this world! It's all about self-satisfaction. It's a wonderful feeling which is very hard to explain. Life can never be more better than this.

That is how that unforgettable day passed on. After all, now I realize that everything has worked out well. That is why I named this year as "The Best Year".
Finally, what I have to say is,

"It doesn't matter what you teach as long as you teach it with all your heart"

That is my greatest strength and will always be!

Universal Vishwa