Sunday, June 29, 2008

Unluck strikes me again!

Thursday, 26th June 2008,

I never thought about writing a post like this in my blog to spoil it's value. But, still I thought sometimes it might be a reminder to me in future, for not to let something like this happen again.
I expect none of you to read it. So, don't you dare read it!

This is about a recent incident happened to me. It's about a Hope. Actually, I realized that I had a hope on that after it ended. You can consider it as anyway you want. But, on my side, it's like living without a purpose.

So, let me get to the story straight away.

When I entered to study in the university (University of Moratuwa), I wanted to do a sport during my stay at the university. My favourite sport was Tennis as you all know. On the second day I saw the Tennis team of the university practicing . So, I was very to keen to join them. Due to competition in academics, I had to sacrifice one year of my sporting career. All in all, Somehow, I was able to start my practices in the second year.

From that day onwards, I sacrificed everything to get to a good level in the game. Carrying the damn heavy racket bag, motivating all the new comers, attending and organizing extra practice hours, cutting lectures, some days I purposely went back home to get a short or shoes and especially getting scolded heavily from my parents for concentrating only on Tennis and many more...

I can honestly say that I was very successful. I was able improve very well. I kept my heart on the racket when I was practicing. I always took advice from the great masters of our team and concentrated very very hard. So, somehow as a beginner, I was good. Well, actually I was able to be in the top (not No.1) out of the beginners list.
Also, I enjoyed the game and the company of my team mates to the maximum.

This year I and my fellow new comers got the chance to play for the trials to get into the official tennis team. I badly wanted to get there. There was 7 to compete and only two were selected.
Just before this mini-tournament was announced, a stupid hamstring injury struck me. And I couldn't move my feet on the court like I used to. It showed signs, that I'm about to get into trouble. And then I did.

During those matches I was only able to beat one opponent. I lost the rest of the matches very badly. I never thought that I can perform as poor that. Hopeless! I hardly had a chance. Thankx to my hamstring. And so was my luck. It always acted against me.
Finally in simple form "I couldn't make it".
More than one year of very hard work and sacrifices.

So, I was upset, in fact a lot upset about what happened. Because I had nothing to do about it. I wouldn't have felt such a bad feeling if I wasn't so bounded to it. So, then only I felt that I have failed yet again because of my own hopes.

Now, today I don't consider this as a bad memory, but as a good learning experience.
Now, I feel a lot free about this. Just concentrating on the usual practice.
Usually, I perform well when nobody expects anything from me.
And I also feel a lot proud and happy about being in the best sporting team in the university.
By the way I also have to mention about the two great cap's Tharaka aiya & Roshan aiya, who motivated me 'not to give up' and keep on fighting. Their guidance just gave me a super-strength to practice harder than ever.
After all, this is just nothing, because more disastrous things happening to people.

Finally, I'll always remember this wonderful incident in future as well, which will give me courage and strength in whatever I do to make things happen for me or you!
After all, 'middle path rule' is always the key to success.

Finally at last, this is kind of another victory for me. Because I have never experienced the feeling of 'defeat in a sport' before. So, it's a bonus.

"Tennis means Mora & Mora only!"

Universal Vishwa

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Thoughts! - Chapter 2

  1. There are only a limited number of opportunities in life. If you let go of one, you won’t get another again.
  2. You can't hide light in darkness (To 999)
  3. Without stars the world would be full of darkness for ever! (To 333)
  4. If you depend too much heavily on your closest friends,then your end will also depend them. (To 777)
  5. Friendship is eternal when is doesn't rely on anything or any reason.
  6. Hopes and faith interconnects people.
  7. Love is a word of war. Because you never know when it will strike you. (To Iyesha Akka)
  8. Knowing and understanding how to enjoy life is truly a blessing. (
  9. People who have hearts like flowers have beautiful thoughts, but they can easily be crushed as well. (To 333)
  10. Your greatest strength is always your greatest weakness.
  11. Your vision in life is a measure of your success.
  12. Don't let the time decide your destiny, let yourself decide your destiny.
  13. Classes in society were built because of rubbish called status.
  14. Most people have instantaneous hearts, that's the main reason for heart-attacks.
  15. I want to make other people's lives better, but I don't have time to do it for myself.
  16. The best thing I do is 'make people happy', The end result of that is ending up labeled a 'Joker/Clown'.
  17. Human kind will never civilize until they let go of the social-class system.
Universal Vishwa

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Universal Friendship - A Different view about Friendship

First of all this post may seem a little weired to many of you who are reading this. But, just think about what I am saying. I'll be very glad if you can leave a comment.

I have heard many times that,
'A true friend is someone,
Who is always there with you when you are in trouble,
Who lends you a shoulder when you are crying,
Who always cares about you and protects you from evil,
And bla bla bla....'
I hope you have heard things like that about friendship.
Of course they are true and very correct. And are really nice when you experience them.
But, I call this "Traditional Friendship". Because concepts in this definition for friendship would lead you to be more and more emotional and heavily dependent on your friend, such that if some little misunderstanding happens sometimes your everlasting friendship is in danger. I personally had seen people being like this and had experienced it myself too. Actually, there is nothing wrong being like that. But, I think that friendship is more broader than that. Something more complex than that.

Now let me tell you what I/we think what "Universal Friendship" is all about.
The friendship I am talking about, only depends on 'mutual understanding'.
And almost all the conditions of Traditional friendship are violated.
  1. Your friend would remain with you unchangeable in all situations. i.e. He would not be showing out his sadness when you are sad. I say it because, if you also become sad and fall mentally when your friend is sad, then sometimes you won't be able help him to over come his problem and recover back fast.
  2. He is not sensitive to your emotions emotionally. But, sensitive to you via understanding.
  3. Behaves as an ordinary person in public, apart from being special every time everywhere. But, shows his specialty at the right time.
  4. And Universal Friendship is totally independent from gender, age, region and social status. And has no restrictions and boundaries due to culture and other reasons. It doesn't mean that there are no secrets within them, of course they may have their own personal things.
  5. And their friendship doesn't only benefit themselves, but to everyone around them who needs help.
  6. Listening and understanding comes first before advising.
  7. Finally, there is no reason why he/she is your friend. i.e. your friendship doesn't rely on any condition. Because when you decide a reason for friendship and when it is violated your friendship has no meaning.
After all, the things I mentioned may be incomplete, because of low details.
Throughout my entire life upto now, from things I experienced, from things I've heard and from things I analyzed I/we think this is the best way a friendship should be to be eternal, precious and sacred.
Simply, it's just unexplainable.
I hope you understood what my point are...

Finally, I would like to dedicate this special posting for my Best friend "Sudantha" who has been my friend for 18 years of the 23 years I lived so far.

Powered by Sudantha.
-Universal Vishwa