Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Glance back at University Life

It's been 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days since I've first stepped into University a long time ago. Today is the end of the first week of my final year at University of Moratuwa. I've been following a BSc. Engineering degree course, specializing in the field of Electronic and Telecommunications. I thought about writing a note about the University Life memories and experiences I have come across so far.

When I first entered University on 31st May 2006 there were so many new Aspirations and thoughts about how wonderful it would be based on the things I've heard from society. They were full of wonderful thoughts filled with happiness and smiles all around. But, things I thought didn't not become a reality just as I thought in the past. But, I'll still say that "University Life is Awesome!"

Let me just state few thoughts I initially had in my mind when I first entered university,
"I thought that it would be a wonderful period of my life where I would find alot of new friends in all parts of the country of different culture, religion and diversity, where we all live together, share together and enjoy life very happily. And I wanted to get involved in extra curricular activities as much as possible. A life without pressure, tension and huge responsibility with atmost freedom."

Now to the reality,
During the first few weeks, university life was just the way I thought and it was Rocking awesome! No doubt at all. I found a lot of friends of variety. And also went on a trip which was so memorable. Even now, all those friends I met in Level 1 are very good friends of mine. But, after that, the competition for academics started and everyone suddenly changed quicker than the weather. The differences and up-downs as in normal society started to rise up widening the gap of rural and urban society among us, along with internal political battles. Everyone was much more concerned about books, assignments and exams too much. Only a few got involved in club activities, sports. Fortunately I too was able to be active in a club and did few projects which was again a wonderful opportunity and achievement in my life. I'm not saying that University life turned into a nightmare. But, suddenly the portion I had interactions were reduced dramatically upto about 50%. And not much time for fun as I thought.....
But there were alot of good happy days here and there, where we had small get-together's, hanging around the canteen and other places until laughing and chatting till dark falls.
Go to the grounds and play cricket at unexpected times etc. and many more. And especially some experiences of very good strong friendship.....

Then. I'd call "Level 2 is a year without purpose" on my words. Seems crazy isn't it? The reason I say it is, We enter to department specialization in the second year. Therefore the big pressure on entering a good field vanishes and freedom again! By then, the bunch of people I interact most reduces further upto about 15% (50). In level 2 I found some new close friends too. Some how my second year had a big purpose, which is to "Play Tennis". I got involved in it. It was a very nice opportunity and blessing. It was a year with new friends; some were weird, some were familiar. Time passed on....

Level 3 was one hell of a year yet again... There were a whole big lot of subjects and I screwed it up entirely..... But there was some special period of time in level 3 as well, "The Training period". Where we have to go for a company as an engineering trainee. It was silly, stupid but a nice time of my university life. I went to Dialog Telekom, where I had a good and happy time. During my training I was able to taste how my future career would look like and how I can develop myself to become "The One" who I want.

Now, today, at the start of the Level 4, "The Final Year" I think even though University Life was not entirely the way I imagined, I'd still say it will always be "A wonderful period of my life". It always will be forever!
So, I got one more year to go. One more year to get the most out of University Life. One more year to earn an invaluable experience and move into the so called world with big challenges.

I want to very specially dedicate this to all my University friends who have been so close to me through out... It's because of you all, this university life has become such a wonderful and memorable experience to me.
Thank you all!

Universal Vishwa

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Princess who plays hide and seek with my Heart

Morning sunshine is bright,
But not as bright as my sweet little princess's face.

Songs sung by birds are always pleasant to listen,
But not as pleasant as her sweet amazing voice.

Cats eyes are like glittering stars,
But not as shinning as her sparkling eyes.

A candle brings light to a small dark room,
But she can enlighten anyone's life with her beautiful smile.

Velvet skins are soft and smooth as comfortable can be,
But it is still unmatchable to the feel of her touch.

The smell of a Jasmine perfume attracts anyone's attention unknowingly,
But the smell of those perfumes remain unnoticed when she is around.

Calm waves of the ocean brings peace to our mind,
But the only thing that brings relief to my heart is the wave of her hair.

- Universal Vishwa