Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Worst and Best Prize Giving

This year, I got a group of students who I've taught 2 times before. I've been their teacher in grades 4 and 6. This time I'm teaching them as their grade 9 teacher. This batch of students had some stunning abilities, in fact almost everything about Super talents. You name it, they have it! Even I enjoyed very much teaching this bunch of fun lovers. This year I also added more to their lives with extra super lessons too.

I taught them very well. Better than ever before. And they were expected to perform excellent in every aspect. Plus+, we wanted to do a very nice rocking performance for the prize Giving at the end of the year. Somehow, there was one small issue, in fact it was a big issue.

Usually, it is the class teacher who decides and controls what to be done in the prize giving. But, this time, I thought that I should ask my students and get their involvement in deciding it. We wanted to do a drama that includes a song to have a dance scene.

I asked few students to join with me to write up the play. There were about 5 writing the drama with me.We had loads of fun during those days. Fun to the extremes! Sometimes I had stomachaches at night as a cause of laughing for hours. Somehow, because of the exams for them, we had only 3 days to practice. Most of them questioned me out, how I am going to do it in three days. There were parents (& ...) who came asking me this over and over again. Everything worked out well. Because, we believed in ourselves very badly and had the faith that we can do anything.

And during those three days, we had even more fun. Joking , laughing, chatting, dancing, everything about fun. We were all together. Those few days will always be in my mind forever. Simply unexplainable. And of course we did our performance very well too.

So, you must be wondering why I called it 'Worst prize giving'?
In fact, here is that sad story. The day of ultimate fun came along. It was Sunday, 9th December 2007 @ 3 pm. It was really a good day till about 5.30pm. So great! But after wards everything started to go wrong, when the prizes were given away. A lot of them was expecting a prize because they answered the examination very well. But unfortunately, some of them missed out. And simply, some of them tried hard to hide their tears. It's not all about exams, I know. But, they do count as well sometimes. Believe me they do.

At the end of the the ceremony I thought that I Lost! All my effort was of no use. Actually, I thought that I let them down. But, I would like to mention some things happened after wards.
Some students came to me and thanked me. The only thing they said was,
"Thank you aiye for what you have done for us. We learned a lot and enjoyed your company very much. It's true that we couldn't get good marks for you. But, today we bow to you because we are lucky enough to be your students for this year." (This is just the compressed idea)

A tank of Tears came to my eyes on that moment (but, I hid them inside as always) and I really couldn't control my feelings when I heard those words. Honestly, it really touched my heart very badly and still makes me ...
I was crying for about 10 days after the prize giving. Luckily no one saw it.
Even now, tears are coming to my eyes when I'm typing these words.

That day I realized how lucky I am. That is why I always thank God for making me a 'Teacher'. It's the best gift I have in this world! It's all about self-satisfaction. It's a wonderful feeling which is very hard to explain. Life can never be more better than this.

That is how that unforgettable day passed on. After all, now I realize that everything has worked out well. That is why I named this year as "The Best Year".
Finally, what I have to say is,

"It doesn't matter what you teach as long as you teach it with all your heart"

That is my greatest strength and will always be!

Universal Vishwa

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Aspirations, Hopes and Luck!

Do you think you are Lucky?
Well, sometimes you might think you are not, or sometimes you may be feeling Lucky.
How do you define your self as a Lucky?
Are you always lucky, or a little luckier or never?
If you cannot say anything about it, let me tell you what I feel Luck is all about.

All of us have Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations to fulfill. So if all of them come true everytime, you certainly may be feeling luckier than anyone else in this universe. But, if they don't come true, (i.e. Nothing seems to be going the way you wanted) then you must be feeling that god has not given you that special blessing called "Luck".
I've heard that Hopes and Aspirations are the two things that humans rely their lives on. It can be your job, family, friends etc. or anything. So for someone who never gets to see his dreams coming true, (I think) life is really a bitter experience . And they seek alternatives to get what they want. (Sometimes escape in challenges in life is also considered an alternative) I too think that Hopes are the keys that makes this world a beautiful place to live. Aspirations are the decorations of it.

Also, I think all of us who saw birth in this world are lucky, atleast upto a certain extent no matter what the difficulties we face. But, we can only see it if our hearts are not blind. You may be an orphan or an ignored child in your family or any kind who is crushed by the society or etc... But, you still have your life to live happy, the way you want, without relying (too much) on people around. Because hopes are the ropes that interconnects us (living beings). Also to see the beauty of this world you need not be a lucky person, am I right?

Well, if I consider my own life, I don't consider my self lucky in the sense of Dreams/Hopes coming true. Because if I dream they never come true. So nowadays I never dream. What a pity. 'I live a life without hopes', but my intention is to make other people's dreams come true. I (only) feel very happy when I see someone's dreams come true. But, I certainly feel lucky, because I can see the beauty and a meaning in almost anything in this world.

So, as a conclusion I think that, we can only consider our selves lucky according to the way we see our vision of life.
So do you still think you are unlucky?

- Lucky VIS 264~464

Monday, November 26, 2007

You never know when your Guardian Angel will be there for you

This is an e-mail I received from one of my friends, which touched my heart deep. So I thought I should put this wonderful message on my blog. This really is what relationships are all about.

Here goes:
People come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person..

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Comment by Universal Vishwa : I would like to express the idea and message mentioned above in one single sentence by a statement made by Prarthana 6 years ago.

"In this journey of life, even though we always like to live our lives with our beloved ones, we will sometimes have to let go of some of them to move on with life, though we love them a lot.
Also, we might have to live with some, who we never wanted to live with, because we have no choice"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

About Me...

I am an ordinary guy who lives in the town Nugegoda in Sri Lanka. There are four in my family. I have one brother. I studied at St. Joseph's College, Colombo 10. And now I'm at University of Moratuwa, following a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (2006-2010). My passion is to become a
good Teacher, even though I am studying to become an engineer. Also I like to play Tennis and Cricket badly. Specially I want to become a very good tennis player ASAP.
I love to have fun because I can't control my mouth. I love to
Smile, Laugh and Joke every second I live.

"I always want to see about life in a different perspective/angle every time I breath."

That's all about me in a shorten form (simple sentences).

Universal Vishwa

Monday, June 25, 2007

Site Under Construction

If you are willing to apply for the tender for making up my blog.
Contact me ASAP.
Thank You.

Universal Vishwa