Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Aspirations, Hopes and Luck!

Do you think you are Lucky?
Well, sometimes you might think you are not, or sometimes you may be feeling Lucky.
How do you define your self as a Lucky?
Are you always lucky, or a little luckier or never?
If you cannot say anything about it, let me tell you what I feel Luck is all about.

All of us have Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations to fulfill. So if all of them come true everytime, you certainly may be feeling luckier than anyone else in this universe. But, if they don't come true, (i.e. Nothing seems to be going the way you wanted) then you must be feeling that god has not given you that special blessing called "Luck".
I've heard that Hopes and Aspirations are the two things that humans rely their lives on. It can be your job, family, friends etc. or anything. So for someone who never gets to see his dreams coming true, (I think) life is really a bitter experience . And they seek alternatives to get what they want. (Sometimes escape in challenges in life is also considered an alternative) I too think that Hopes are the keys that makes this world a beautiful place to live. Aspirations are the decorations of it.

Also, I think all of us who saw birth in this world are lucky, atleast upto a certain extent no matter what the difficulties we face. But, we can only see it if our hearts are not blind. You may be an orphan or an ignored child in your family or any kind who is crushed by the society or etc... But, you still have your life to live happy, the way you want, without relying (too much) on people around. Because hopes are the ropes that interconnects us (living beings). Also to see the beauty of this world you need not be a lucky person, am I right?

Well, if I consider my own life, I don't consider my self lucky in the sense of Dreams/Hopes coming true. Because if I dream they never come true. So nowadays I never dream. What a pity. 'I live a life without hopes', but my intention is to make other people's dreams come true. I (only) feel very happy when I see someone's dreams come true. But, I certainly feel lucky, because I can see the beauty and a meaning in almost anything in this world.

So, as a conclusion I think that, we can only consider our selves lucky according to the way we see our vision of life.
So do you still think you are unlucky?

- Lucky VIS 264~464

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