Monday, February 25, 2008

Driving your Life like a Car!

Life is like driving a car!

You can see what's ahead of you in the whole world (future) from the big windscreen. Also you can see what's behind you from the three little rear view mirrors (past).
Without them you can't drive. You need to balance your focus to drive properly;
If you don't look back, you never know who will overtake you.
Also if you don't look ahead you don't know where you are going.

If you drive too fast, you may face an accident very soon.
If you drive too slow you might not be able to complete the journey of life (and win it).

If you take the shortest path in a difficult roadway, you will be exhausted at the end of the journey. Or,
If you choose a long comfortable high-way, time will run away from you.

If you don't maintain your car properly, you might run out of fuel and will certainly have to push it by yourself.

You can only drive your life depending on the type of your Ride!
If your car is a "Morris Minor", you hardly can do anything with it at present.
If your car is a Super car like "Ferrari 599 (264, 333 and 999) or Bugatti Veyron(777)", you can drive your life at the speed of sound. It is very fast but, it certainly doesn't suit Off-road conditions.
If you have a "Bus", you can certainly do a lot of good to many others by providing transport to them. But, it certainly is slow, because you have take them with you too.
If you have a "Defender (464) or a Hummer", you can drive it under any circumstances, no matter what the conditions of the environment, even though it is not the fastest-best ride to get to your destiny.

Universal Vishwa

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